Frequently Asked Questions
Photovoltaic is the term used to describe the conversion of solar radiation into electricity.
Photovoltaic is derived from the Greek words: photo - ‘phos’, meaning light and ‘volt’, which refers to electricity. In simple terms, Photovoltaic means light-electricity.
When the sun’s rays hit the Solar Panels, the PV cells absorb the sunlight, converting it into electricity via a process called the Photoelectric Effect.
This results in the Solar Panels producing electricity called Direct Current (DC), which is then converted into Alternating Current (AC) via the Inverter.
The AC electricity is directed to the Switchboard, which connects it with your appliances, subsequently powering your home.
Once the sun sets or on days when there is not enough sunlight to produce the required amount of electricity for your home, the Switchboard reverts to drawing electricity from the power grid.
However, on days when your Solar System produces more power than is required, the excess electricity is exported to the grid. The amount of solar power exported to the grid is measured by a Utility Meter.
This excess solar energy can earn you credits on your electricity bill and save you money. This is known as the Feed-in-Tariff (FiT), which is a government incentive aimed to compensate customers for excess solar power exported to the grid.
The Solar System will run automatically, switching between the solar power it produces and the grid. You can monitor your Solar System’s data (energy produced, energy used, energy exported etc) from your Inverter. Many inverters now feature wireless connectivity and online monitoring, meaning you can access this data remotely from your smart phone, tablet or computer.
There is no simple answer to this question. One size does not fit all.
The size of your system will depend on multiple factors including;
Your electricity usage
Your budget
Your roof space (how many panels will fit on your roof)
Future plans (growing family, retirement, working from home, electric vehicle)
Export Limiting set by your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP)
Historically, a 6.6kW system has been the magic number in the industry, being the most quoted system size.
However, with battery storage becoming ever more popular and affordable we are seeing an increase in system sizes, in order to harness more solar energy and decrease reliance on costly grid power.
It’s estimated by 2030, majority of Aussie homes will have battery storage and electric vehicles, which both require a large amount of solar generation to reliably charge.
Plan for the Future
Solar panels have a life span of approximately 20 years and with battery storage on the rise, it makes sense to plan for the future, whether that be a growing family, adding a pool in the backyard, using an electric vehicle, working from home more often, retirement or even selling your property.
One very important factor to consider is this, it is more cost effective and easier to install a bigger system initially, than to add to it in the future. All systems are custom designed based on multiple factors (including size), so increasing the system size later down the track may require significant and costly additional work, including uninstalling and reinstalling the entire system, adding extra inverters, switchboard upgrades and in some cases council approval.
Not only that, you may end up replacing your panels at different rates depending on install dates, which can also impact your system’s efficiency.
Winter and Summer typically see the largest amount of electricity usage due to heating and cooling systems. During the Summer months, lots of sunshine means your system will produce a large amount of solar energy to offset those air-conditioning bills. In Winter on the other hand, the system will produce nearly half the solar energy it was in Summer. The larger the system you have, the better your chances at offsetting your energy bills.
If your budget allows for it, it’s worth considering adding panels and increasing the system size at the time of the initial installation.
The true benefit of a bigger system is that it will be easier to add a battery in the future, take full advantage of your inverter's capacity, and simply generate more power throughout the day so you’re less likely to require grid power.
Importantly, not all products are battery storage compatible, and we’re always thinking into the future, that’s why we only offer warranty backed, quality products that are all battery compatible.
Contact our design experts today to discuss what size system may be best for your current and future needs.
North has widely been considered the best orientation for the maximum energy output, however the reality is that most people don’t get to decide which direction their solar panels face.
That’s because it’s largely dependent on the roof shape and space and orientation of the house and in our experience, people don’t wish to have solar panels visible from their front yard.
When it is not possible or feasible to orientate panels in a northerly direction, don’t discount your solar system yet! Our expertly trained and accredited designers will work their magic and create a customised system for your property and energy usage.
Where North roof space is not practical, to maximise energy output there are a few things to consider;
Maximising your roof space to fit as many panels as possible
Splitting the solar panels across East & West to capture as much sunlight as possible throughout the day
Utilising the most efficient solar panels, see questions relating to half cut and monocrystalline panels
Utilising microinverters instead of string inverters, see question relating microinverters vs string inverters
It’s estimated that by facing panels East & West (as opposed to North), you will lose approximately 10-20% efficiency in energy production. At the end of the day, your solar system will still generate ample electricity to help power your home and save you money on power bills, all the while reducing your reliance on electricity grids & in turn reducing your carbon footprint.
Common shading issues include air-conditioning units, double storey neighbours, chimneys and large trees.
Solar panels work best when there are no shadows cast down on them. Shading on just ONE solar panel, no matter how great or small, can greatly diminish the energy output of your ENTIRE solar system. Think of the shadow like a kink in the hose; it will significantly reduce the flow of energy to your home.
Never fear, there are some strategies to help mitigate shading issues. Where possible, our first approach is to design and install a system around any shading. However, if shading is unavoidable or you are not prepared to remove or relocate the objects causing shade, you should strongly consider microinverters. Unlike string inverters, if one solar panel’s energy output is impacted, the remaining panels will continue to produce energy at maximum capacity. Whilst microinverters may add approximately 10-20% to the overall cost of your system, they will pay dividends in terms of improving energy production and efficiency in partially shaded areas, in turn boosting your return on investment. What’s the point spending money on a 25-30 year investment if the system doesn’t work efficiently.
See question Microinverters vs String Inverters for more information.
Unless you are completely off grid, your solar system will be connected to the electricity grid. During a power outage your inverter will automatically switch off your system in order to stabilise power for safety reasons. This is to stop your solar system exporting power to the mains electricity grid when linesman may be working on fixing the power lines to resolve the power outage.
Once power has been restored, your system will automatically switch back on and continue generating electricity when the sun shines.
If you want your solar system to continue to generate energy and remain usable during a power outage, you will need to go completely off-grid. That means that your solar system will not be connected to the grid nor will you be able to export any electricity back into the grid. Opting for battery storage in this instance, means you can store any excess energy produced by your system to use when the sun goes down for the evening.
The lifespan of a Solar System is generally between 25-30 years. Most performance warranties on solar panels are around 18-25 years - meaning by the time you reach the end of the performance warranty period, the energy output may decrease by approximately 10%. This is to be expected, as with most technologies, solar panels will naturally degrade and produce less energy over time. After all they have been sitting on your roof, exposed to the elements for the past two decades. This reduced power output is called the degradation rate. On average, a solar panel’s energy production will decrease at a rate of 0.5% per year, meaning after a long 20 years, your solar panels should still be working at about 90% of their original output.
So it’s not that your panels will not after 25-30 years, it just means they will be slightly less efficient at producing energy in comparison to when they were first installed.
It’s important to remember that the typical return on investment is 2-5 years. Meaning, your system will have fully paid for itself by that time and anything thereafter is basically free electricity whilst the sun shines! And if you have a battery, you may even have access to that free electricity all day long!
In comparison to traditional electricity sources that typically generate power via the use of fossil fuels, solar energy is significantly cleaner and kinder on the environment.
The manufacturing process of solar panels generates FOUR times less the amount of carbon emissions than traditional power generation and once they’re manufactured, they produce ZERO carbon emissions.
Solar Panels not only have a long lifespan of approximately 20-30 years, but all their parts can be recycled here in Australia.
Once installed, solar systems generate their power from the sun and according to NASA, the sun is estimated to burn for another 5 BILLION years. Once you have paid off the cost of your solar system (typically 2-5yrs), any power you generate from the sun is free! That means you can harness around 25 years of free clean energy!
You may need Planning or Building Permit (or both) if your property is affected by heritage overlay or included on the Victorian Heritage Register or your solar panels are visible from the street (not a lane), or from a public park.
You should check with your local council prior to confirm if approval is required, otherwise you may risk receiving a fine for an un-approved solar installation.
Whilst your solar system will be covered by manufacturing, performance and workmanship warranties, you will need to contact your Insurer directly prior to installation to discuss adding the solar system to your Home Insurance Policy. Generally, this will not impact your premiums however if you do not advise your Insurer of the addition to your home, you may not be covered for it in the unlikely event you need to make a claim.
The Australian Solar Industry is considered well-regulated and safe. To ensure safety and reliability, solar panels and inverters sold in Australia must comply with a range of standards.
It’s important to note solar systems generate electricity, connecting power to your home as well as the electricity grid. To ensure your system is installed safely and under regulation, you should only ever use an accredited solar installer under the Clean Energy Council.
The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is an independent body aimed at helping maintain a safe and regulated industry. They provide a regulated scheme for qualified electricians to undergo further training and assessment to become accredited solar installers.
CEC Accredited Solar Retailer’s must also commit to solar industry best practice.
In order to receive the Small-Scale Technology Certificate (STC) rebate, your system must be installed by a CEC Accredited Solar Installer.
You can find CBR Electrical Solutions Pty Ltd listed on the Clean Energy Council’s list of Accredited Solar Retailers and Accredited Solar Installers.
The Clean Energy Council (CEC) is an independent body aimed at helping maintain a safe and regulated industry. They provide a regulated scheme for qualified electricians to undergo further training and assessment to become accredited solar installers.
CEC Accredited Solar Retailer’s must also commit to solar industry best practice.
In order to receive the Small-Scale Technology Certificate (STC) rebate, your system must be installed by a CEC Accredited Solar Installer.
You can find CBR Electrical Solutions Pty Ltd listed on the Clean Energy Council’s list of Accredited Solar Retailers and Accredited Solar Installers.
Solar Systems are complex and involve connection to the mains electricity grid. As such, they should only ever be installed by fully qualified Electricians who are also certified and trained by the Clean Energy Council to ensure your system meets industry best practice standards and all relevant Australian Standards. To check if your installer is accredited by the Clean Energy Council, you can find them listed on the Clean Energy Council here.
Step 1 - Appraisal
Upon contacting us, one of our design experts will walk you through the best system tailored to your budget, roof space and energy requirements (current and future). From here we will put together a formal proposal using state of the art satellite software to review your roof space. It’s quick and efficient allowing us to service our customers in a timely manner. Once the proposal has been accepted, signed and returned, we may book a home inspection.
Step 2 - Home Inspection
Not all properties will require a home inspection, however if you live in a unit, townhouse or double story property or have a significantly pitched roof or access issues we may recommend a home inspection. If you are unsure about access to your property (roof space and switchboard) talk to our designers to determine if an inspection is necessary.
Step 3 - Design Finalisation
Following the home inspection (if one was required), we will finalise your design and send you a proposal. Once the proposal has been accepted, signed and returned we will book in a date for the installation.
Step 4 - Installation
Depending on the property access and the size and design of the system, you can expect that the installation process will take a full days work.
Step 5 - Solar Inspection
In line with Electrical Safety Victoria, following installation we will arrange an Independent Electrical Inspection. As inspections are completed by an independent third party, we have little control over booking time frames and will be dependent upon availability. Inspections involve a qualified Electrical Inspector reviewing the installation in person.
Step 6 - Grid Connection
Following completion of the inspection, we will then need to submit a request to connect your Solar System to the Grid. Where possible, we will complete this request on our customer’s behalf. However, depending on the distributor and retailer, you may be required to do this yourself. Once the request has been submitted, it can take up to 30 days until your solar system is connected to the grid.
Ongoing Support
The installation of your solar system is just the beginning of your renewable energy journey. When it comes to understanding and operating your system at maximum efficiency or assisting with product warranty claims, we’re here to help every step of the way.
Depending on the size and complexity of the system, installation typically takes one to two days.
A smaller system with a simple design and layout will be easier to install than a larger system on a double storey property.
Solar Panels
Solar panels are made up of silicon cells. Monocrystalline cells are composed of a single crystal of silicon, whereas Polycrystalline cells are composed of many crystals of silicon.
As a monocrystalline cell only has a single crystal, the electrons that generate electricity have more room to flow in comparison to a polycrystalline cell, resulting in monocrystalline panels being more efficient and in turn more expensive.
Monocrystalline panels are black whereas polycrystalline panels are blue in colour.
However, if we compare monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels with identical wattage they are much of the muchness. Monocrystalline panels become critically important if you have limited roof space and need to optimise your system’s energy efficiency.
Half-cut (or spilt) solar cells are exactly as their names suggests – they are traditional silicon solar cells that have been cut in half using a laser cutter.
A traditional solar panel is composed of 60 solar cells, whereas a half-cut or split cell panel is comprised of 120 cells. Whilst the overall size of the panel remains the same, the number of cells per panels doubles.
Being comprised of smaller cells means the panels are more efficient as resistive losses are decreased and they have a greater tolerance for shade (fewer hot spots). Secondly, they are physically more durable and more resistant to cracking, improving the lifespan of the panel.
However, as these panels have more cells, they have arguably more points of failure, which is why it’s crucial to use quality, reliable products such as Canadian Solar or Q Cells.
In simple terms, oversizing is when you install a larger wattage of solar panels than the wattage of the inverter. Regulations dictate the maximum wattage of solar panels installed cannot exceed 133% of the inverter’s kW rating.
Generally speaking, in Victoria the maximum size inverter you’re allowed for a property with single phase power is 5kW (or 5,000 watts).
Applying the oversizing rule, a 5kW inverter could have a maximum 6.6kW of solar panels installed
(5,000 watts x 133% = 6,650 watts). If your panels are rated at 390 watts each, that’s a total of 17 panels. (6,650 / 390 = 17).
Oversizing your solar panels, is a cost- effective method for increasing system output.
Remembering that solar panels, like all electrical appliances, lose efficiency through things like surface temperature, shading, hot spots and the transfer of energy through cables, adding more panels to your system can help make up for these losses.
For example, consider you have 4kw of panels with a 4kW inverter and on a cloudy day the energy production drops by 30%, this means your system will produce a maximum of 2.8kW.
However, if you had 5kW of panels with a 4kW inverter, under the same conditions a 30% reduction means your system will produce 3.5kW.
Not only will it help improve your system’s efficiency but it can boost your STC rebate. The total number of STC’s you receive towards your solar installation is based on the total wattage of your panels. Simply put, the more panels you install, the greater the rebate and the greater your discount.
Tread carefully though, It’s very important that you do not exceed the 133% regulation, even by one panel, otherwise you won’t receive any STC’s at all!
The core purpose of Solar Inverters is to convert the energy produced by Solar Panels from Direct Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC) so that you can utilise the energy to power your home. Inverters also export any excess power back into the electricity grid.
Installing a reliable, quality inverter is crucial to your system’s performance and longevity.
Inverters and solar panels should be considered with equal weight to ensure a reliable and long-lasting solar system.
String Inverters
A string inverter is connected to a series or ‘string’ of solar panels. Typically, for a household solar system there would only be one string inverter for the entire system. The inverter is installed on a wall between the system and the switchboard, generally on an external wall with a shade cover or in the garage.
Unfortunately, with string inverters, energy production is limited to the worst performing panel. For example, if one solar panel’s energy output is impacted, then the output of the entire string of panels will be impacted in equal measure. This can be detrimental to your system’s ability to produce energy, reducing it’s overall efficiency and taking a chunk out of your potential savings.
As there is only one inverter for an entire string of panels, if the inverter fails the entire string of connected panels fail too, meaning you’ll lose ALL of your energy production. On the contrary, this means it can also be easier to troubleshoot and repair or replace the inverter.
Many inverters now come with a remote monitoring system, so you can view your system’s energy production and energy usage.
String inverters will enable you to monitor your system’s total energy production, however you won’t be able to monitor the production or performance of each individual panel, as you can with microinverters. This means it can be more difficult to identify individual panel performance problems, caused by cracks, debris (eg. dust, dirt, salt or snow) or defects etc.
Microinverters are much smaller than string inverters as they are designed to be installed behind solar panels. Generally, one microinverter is installed per panel. For example, if you have 10 panels, you will have 10 microinverters. This allows for greater system monitoring, including performance and energy output of each individual panel as well as the total solar system. These insights can assist with troubleshooting and identifying issues.
Unlike string inverters, if one solar panel’s energy output is impacted, the remaining panels will continue to produce energy at maximum capacity. Similarly, if one microinverter fails then it will only impact the associated panel and the rest of the system will continue to produce energy regardless.
As multiple microinverters are required per system, this increases the overall cost of materials and may also mean more labour hours to install. However, this initial cost may be outweighed when considering the system’s efficiency, total energy production and the potential savings on energy bills over its lifespan.
Microinverters are ideal for small roof profiles, properties with shading issues or where panels need to be installed across multiple orientations or where budget is not an issue.
If in the future you wish to increase the size of your system, this is easier to manage, design and install with microinverters as opposed to string inverters.
The amount of energy your system produces comes down to the number of solar panels installed and the wattage of the panels, not the size of the inverter.
For example, let’s consider the following 3 scenarios:
A. 10 panels with a rating output of 390w connected to a 4kW inverter produces a maximum output of 3,900 watts or 3.9kW (10 x 390)
B. 10 panels with a rating output of 390w connected to a 5kW inverter produces a maximum output of 3,900 watts or 3.9kW (10 x 390)
C. 10 panels with a rating output of 270w connected to a 5kW inverter produces a maximum output of 2,700 watts or 2.7kW (10 x 2700)