It’s true, size matters.

So what size system do I need?

There is no simple answer to this question. One size does not fit all.

The size of your system will depend on multiple factors including;

  • Your electricity usage

  • Your budget

  • Your roof space (how many panels will fit on your roof)

  • Future plans (growing family, retirement, working from home, electric vehicle)

  • Export Limiting set by your Distributed Network Service Provider (DNSP)

Historically, a 6.6kW system has been the magic number in the industry, being the most quoted system size.

However, with battery storage becoming ever more popular and affordable we are seeing an increase in system sizes, in order to harness more solar energy and decrease reliance on costly grid power.

It’s estimated by 2030, majority of Aussie homes will have battery storage and electric vehicles, which both require a large amount of solar generation to reliably charge.

Plan for the Future

Solar panels have a life span of approximately 25 years and with battery storage on the rise, it makes sense to plan for the future, whether that be a growing family, adding a pool in the backyard, using an electric vehicle, working from home more often, retirement or even selling your property.

One very important factor to consider is this, it is more cost effective and easier to install a bigger system initially, than to add to it in the future. All systems are custom designed based on multiple factors (including size), so increasing the system size later down the track may require significant and costly additional work, including uninstalling and reinstalling the entire system, adding extra inverters, switchboard upgrades and in some cases council approval.

Not only that, you may end up replacing your panels at different rates depending on install dates, which can also impact your system’s efficiency.

Winter and Summer typically see the largest amount of electricity usage due to heating and cooling systems. During the Summer months, lots of sunshine means your system will produce a large amount of solar energy to offset those air-conditioning bills. In Winter on the other hand, the system will produce nearly half the solar energy it was in Summer. The larger the system you have, the better your chances at offsetting your energy bills.

If your budget allows for it, it’s worth considering adding panels and increasing the system size at the time of the initial installation.

The true benefit of a bigger system is that it will be easier to add a battery in the future, take full advantage of your inverter's capacity, and simply generate more power throughout the day so you’re less likely to require grid power.

Importantly, not all products are battery storage compatible, and we’re always thinking into the future, that’s why we only offer warranty backed, quality products that are all battery compatible.

Contact our design experts today to discuss what size system may be best for your current and future needs.